December 22, 2019

Dear Church Family,

Merry Christmas to each of you! Or as Shara might say, in Australian, “Happy Christmas!” We are excited that you have chosen to share a portion of your holiday season with us.

We have lived in Boardman now for about 7 weeks. In that time we have witnessed the faithfulness and unity of First Baptist Church and we are thrilled that God led us here. Each Tuesday we have the privilege of enjoying lunch, in Kennewick, with fellow pastors and their wives. This is a time of refreshing as we learn more about the churches in our area and share resources.

We would love to fill you in on some of the events and activities we have taken part in during these 7 short weeks. First Baptist is a busy and active church, ready to serve, and we love that!

The Thanksgiving Meal: We were honored to help with the 11th annual Thanksgiving Service and Meal. This interdenominational gathering drew many people in. 350 meals were served thanks to the numerous volunteers and helping hands.

Awana: Now in its 4th year, the Awana program is serving more than 40 children within our community. A special thanks to Kaitlin, Katie, Lisa, Julie, and Claude – and to the many volunteers who serve every week!

14:6: Our Sunday night youth group is gearing up for another great year. They will be taking over our entry way bulletin board and we look forward to seeing their creativity in action. Thanks to Jason, Tiffany, and Josh for leading this energetic group! If you can prepare a meal for the youth group on a Sunday evening, please sign up on Facebook or in the entry way (on the printout). Thank you!

Community Outreach: As a church, over the last few weeks, we have assisted two community members who lost their homes and belongings in a fire. Both parties are now reestablished in rentals and their homes are furnished. They were given clothing and money thanks to your generous donations! We were also able to help one local family pay their car payment and we assisted another community member with a partial rent payment. An abandoned traveler found refuge in Boardman thanks to the Perry family, the Senior Center, Salvation Army and our church. He was sheltered, fed, and given a bus ticket back to Southern California. Julie Sak hosted the first “Clothing Exchange” at church and the left over clothing was donated to Jenny Jurney Brock for the community clothing closet at the counseling center. There was a LOT of clothing left over. Stay tuned for the next “Clothing Exchange.” You won’t want to miss it! As a church, we delivered 41 shoeboxes to the Operation Christmas Child ministry of Samaritan’s Purse.

Men’s Breakfast: Led by Carl Perry this year, the Saturday morning Bible Study seeks to encourage and grow the men of First Baptist Church into spiritual maturity. They meet each week at 7:30am for food, fellowship, prayer, and study time. Come – and invite a friend, neighbor, or coworker! We recently hosted a guest speaker. Shara’s father, Peter Law, came to share with us about his missionary work and church planting endeavors.

Mom’s Bible Study: We currently have a Tuesday morning Bible Study running at 10am. The mom’s group is discussing Gospel Principles for Parenting and they meet at the Sowa home.

Women’s Bible Study: The women’s Bible Study has begun studying a book titled, “God Space.” We are learning about interesting ways we can hold God-conversations in everyday life. Join us on Thursdays at 1:30pm. All material is free of charge thanks to a generous donation from the NW Baptist Association.

All-Church Prayer and Bible Study: On Thursday evenings at 7pm we hold an all-church prayer and study time. Kids are welcome although childcare is not provided at this time. That could change, as we grow. We will be moving into a new curriculum, studying the “God Space” series. Join us as we learn to have God-conversations, naturally!

In addition to the above mentioned activities the church hosted a Christmas craft day fundraiser (thank you, Kaitlin) and a paint night fundraiser (thank you, Bonnie).

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: This offering is sent to the International Missions Board, supporting missionaries around the world, since 1888. Their 2019 fundraising goal is 165 million dollars. As a church, we are praying to raise $300 in support of this worthy cause.

Thank you again for sharing your holiday season with us. We pray a blessing over each of you. This blessing comes from St. Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; and Where there is sadness, joy… Divine Master; Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Merry Christmas to you and may 2020 be a year of spiritual unity and growth in each heart, each home, in our community, and afar!

Much Love,

Pastor Rick and Shara Weiss

P.S. We were overwhelmed by your generosity on Sunday, December 15th as you presented your Christmas gift to our family. Thank you so much!

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