Concern over the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) has caused cancellations of school, sporting events, and now many churches with attendance over 250 people.

New Hope Church in Hermiston is going to online church only for the next four weeks. Our former church in Gresham has announced the same.

Since we do not approach the 250 number that has been set by the governor for gatherings that should be cancelled, it is not required that our service be moved to an online environment.

Many of our people are not able to be online, or are online in a very limited way. Many are not users of Facebook. So, it seems unwise to move to an online service unless it becomes a more serious situation in Morrow County.

At this point, there have not been any known cases of the Covid-19 virus infecting any resident in our county. As best as we can tell, there was only two cases in Umatilla County and three others who ended up being negative for the virus.

So, at this point, we do not see any reason to cancel our service and go to an online only approach.

There is a tremendous spirit of fear surrounding this virus. The onset panic is causing far more damage than the actual virus.

It is not to be a part of the Christian life to live in fear. We are instructed frequently by Jesus and the apostles to not be anxious or live in fear.

Jesus told us: And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on.” (Luke 12:22)

Paul told us: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

In times like these, the role of Christians has always been to take on a self-sacrificing spirit of service. We are the ones who dive into the midst of tragedies to rescue, comfort and bring healing to the afflicted. It is not like us to hide in our homes or become part of the panic.

While we will continue to monitor health advisories to make sure that we do what we can to stay safe and healthy, it seems best that we continue to meet in fellowship, to study God’s word together and to encourage one another. As Hebrews 10:25 instructs, we should not neglect meeting together (unless we are required to do otherwise).

If you have questionable symptoms (fever, coughing and or sneezing) and you are not sure what the cause is, we would ask that you avoid public gatherings at this time. All of us should do what we should always be doing: washing our hands regularly and fully, and avoid touching our mouth and nose when we have not thoroughly washed. As a church we will make extra efforts to keep our facility clean and disinfected.

The one part of our community that is most at risk is our seniors and those who otherwise may have a compromised immune system. We encourage them to be extra cautious.

We are going to look at ways to provide easier access to our services for those who choose not to attend. This would include video and audio only recordings.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please contact Pastor Rick.